Thursday, August 25, 2011

Redeeming God

Time for a bath. Washing John up he begins to talk with me. Mom, tell me about Jesus. John, Jesus loves you and died for you. If you have Jesus you will never be alone again. John, "I want Jesus!"

A new life begins. Old things pass away. I have NEVER seen such a transformation in a life. John, was instantly changed. He began reading his Bible and seeking God. God even told him the letter in the alphabet that he didn't learn because he missed school. The conversation went something like this: Teacher: "John you missed our new letter yesterday." John: "I know is was L I prayed about it and God told me it was L."

John and Kora were afraid they would be moved and we wouldn't be able to adopt them. I told them we were going to pray for a rainbow. And when God sent a rainbow it meant that everything was going to be alright. Keep in mind that it was the middle of summer and we don't get much rain.

Can you imagine the excitement when in the sky on a cloudless, rainless, day a half rainbow appears?

There was screaming and shouting and jumping up and down. But why a half a rainbow. I told the kids that God was just showing us the beginning, that we would have to walk the rest out by faith!

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